From time to time clients call inquiring about their stairlift beeping and they want make it stop. Make sure you have read your owner’s manual completely to determine if you are using stairlift correctly is a good starting point.
On occasion folks get confused because their smoke alarms battery is in need of being replaced and it is beeping. Make sure you check this out first, before proceeding any further. Once you’ve determined it is not your smoke alarm, the following information helps to determine why your stairlift is beeping. Feel free to contact our office is you have questions regarding this matter. If service for your equipment is needed, please let us know so we can schedule a service call.
Bruno Stairlift Diagnostic Beeping Codes
Provides full range of Audio diagnostic notices:
*Circuit Board Power Up: Chirp
*Safety Device Activated: Chirp
*Elevator Stopped Off Charge Bumper: 5 Beeps (4 short and 1 long) Repeats every 3 minutes until the Elevator is returned to the charge station. Make sure battery charger is working.
*Seat Safety Disengaged: Chirp repeats every 3 seconds until seat safety switch is re-engaged. Make sure footrest safety pan is not being depressed.
*Battery Voltage Drop: 5 Beeps (3 short and 2 long) Repeats every 4 minutes until seat safety switch is disengaged, the battery voltage increases, or the switch is pressed. Make sure battery charger is working.
*Battery Voltage Critical: 5 Beeps (2 short and 3 long) Repeats once a minute until the voltage exceeds 16V or the switch is pressed.
*Switch Active During Power Up: 2 Beeps / Pause / 5 Beeps (long beeps indicate which switches are active) Repeats beeps every 5 seconds until all switches are off.
*More Than One Switch Active: 2 Beeps / Pause/ 5 Beeps (long beeps indicate which switches are active) Repeats every 30 seconds until all switches are off.
*Transmitter ID Memory Full: 3 Beeps (1 short and 2 long).