Portable ramps are manufactured and designed to be affordable and dependable in a variety of situations. They are strong as well as being easily storable and transportable. Many models of ramps are made to easily fold up and fit in the back of the van or the trunk. Folding ramp models also come with built in handles to make carrying them around easier. Since no installation is required, you can unfold the ramps and set them where they’re needed at a moments notice. Ramps are usually built of lightweight but strong metals such as aluminum. These types of ramps have up to a 600 pound capacity. (Total weight of wheelchair and occupant cannot exceed 600 pounds.)

When carrying or storage space is at a minimum, you may want to check out rolled portable wheelchair ramps. This type of ramp does just what it’s called – it quickly rolls up allowing you to place it in a small space such as in a car trunk or back of a van, and also taken with you on plane trips by being checked as baggage. Though a rollup ramp might seem a little intimidating at first, know that they are strong and safe, with side rails to keep your wheels alligned on the ramp and out of danger. One of the disadvantages to the rollup type of ramps is that the length of the ramp is limited to shorter runs than some of the other, more sturdy or rigid types. The quickness, ease of use and small storage space are what prefer in this type of ramp. To use the folding ramp, you simply unroll it, place the side rails for safety and extra rigidity, and use as needed.
There are a few companies that are now manufacturing portable wheelchair ramps out of glass reinforced plastic, or GRP, that is both extremely strong and lightweight. These new ramps boast a carrying capacity of about 550 lbs, including wheelchair and rider. They come in several different varieties, the most portable of which are the briefcase style ramps and the folding channel ramps. If you’re looking for space saving ramps, these should be small enough to fit in the small spaces of a van or trunk. Both of these types also offer almost instantaneous setup and use. You simply unfold it and you’re ready to go.
Portable wheelchair ramps have made it much easier for those people with disabilities to gain access to places and structures that have not yet been equipped with permanent building wheelchair ramps. Simply pull your own ramp out of your trunk, unfold, or unroll, and join the party.
President, Husband, Father, Grandfather Graduate of UC Davis- Bio Sci Major- Go Aggies! Jeff has extensive experience in all of Pacific Mobility’s products and services, and specializes in accessibility products as well as stairlifts, ceiling lifts and custom wheel chairs. His hobbies include spending time with family, gardening, mountain biking, exercising and off road motorcycle riding.
24 years as Owner/President of Pacific Mobility Center – selling, installing, and servicing stairlifts, porch lifts, ceiling lifts, pool lifts, handicap ramping, specialty wheelchairs, scooters, power wheel chairs, and other power mobility devices
Certified Environmental Access Consultant since 2008
Licensed General Contractor since 1998
Certified Aging in Place Specialist since 2016
Board Member for Home Access Professionals
Member of Association of Members of the Accessibility Equipment Industry (AEMA)